Saturday, April 18, 2009

What A Week!

So the Cook family has been falling apart!
On a positive note, we had an awesome Easter! Helena loved her basket especially the shredded paper:) We spent the day together as a family and actually all got some down time. Helena and I have a packed schedule every week, between kettle bells, play dates, story time , and other things that pop up I feel like sometimes we are never here! So on Easter we went to breakfast downtown and then we just had a comfy Sunday and enjoyed playing with Helena and watched some movies. For those of you that have not seen BOLT, very cute and we give it 2 thumbs up.
On Monday, I was going to go to dinner with the girls, when BJ who had not been feeling well all weekend with sporadic fevers came home very ill. So started the long week of the Cooks falling apart. We ended up going to the Dr's for BJ and found out that he is ok and just needs to take better care of himself. Helena has been cutting her other top tooth which means we are up 2-5 times a night and with that we are also up for 1-3 hour stretches at a time. This is the hardest thing I would say about the first year. I have never slept thru the night, however there were weeks and days in there where Helena would sleep for 7-9 hours stretches. So when we are up every 1-3 hours it is very DIFFICULT! I feel very bad for her and I really hope that after this tooth is out we have a little break! GOD knows we need sleep! And then due to the lack of sleep I started to become very congested and running a low grade fever myself. We all have recovered except Helena she is still cutting that tooth:(
Helena is doing new things everyday, she has started to scoot on her butt in a circle, she is also scooting on her back. Still no crawling, but I'm sure we will get there soon. She is also pulling herself up with your fingers or if she has a ledge. She loves to be standing on her feet. She is not that big into walking her feet yet, but again I am sure we will get there. She loves feeding herself and is getting more things in her mouth. She does a great job eating her puffs she eats them one at a time and does it all by herself. She also loves drinking out of cups! The Easter Bunny brought her, her very own big girl cup and she loves it and does not dump it on herself which is GOOD! Last but not least, I know we have talked about swim lessons before, BJ took Helena this week by himself and apparently they did not get to participate very much because Helena cried most of the time:( Hopefully next week will be better! I hope everyone enjoys the beautiful weekend. I know we are going too!!!

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