Saturday, June 12, 2010


So Yesterday Helena turned 22 months.... SHE IS THE MOST AMAZING LITTLE GIRL! I feel so blessed. We take the good with the bad, I think she is a very normal tantrum throwing little lady:) She has her moments of pure meltdowns, but then the next minute she is hugging you, kissing you, playing with my hair! She is just so sweet!

Helena understands that was are having babies, we ask her how many babies are you having.... she responds with 2 fingers in the air and states DO.... toddler word for TWO:) Know does that means she really gets it??? Not sure, but she is trying... I am sure she will freak and 2 really do come home!!!

She is such a big helper, she loves to help put dishes away, she cleans up when we sing the CLEAN UP song.... she feeds the cats, she puts all the shoes in the house away. BJ tells me she likes to organize his shoes for him!!! She is really good at making PAIRS! She has been trying to help us get her dress which is fun and exciting. I think the biggest girlie thing that is happening in Helena life is she has officially gotten to wear a ponytail and pigtails! That's what big girls do, so I guess my baby is gone!

She does something new everyday..... she is doing really well with me being at work and her and BJ have an amazing bond now that they spend so much time together in the mornings. Helena loves to get up at 5-6am.... BJ IS NOT A FAN of this... however he does get up, he has officially made us a hotel, since he chops Helena a fresh fruit salad every morning.... Apparently I did not get that memo that we are CASA de la Cook.... I have very high standards on the my mornings to fill.
Helena is saying many words, however she says them once or twice then stores them somewhere... we ask her to say it again and then she jumbles a few words together! Cute, but BJ and I are very ready to hear her little voice, we both know once she starts talking though there will be no going back:) She will talk from the minute she wakes until the minute she goes to sleep! I think she gets that from BJ!

BJ has also started a blog about Helena and being a dad... I recommend reading it, he is such a great writer and it melts my heart to hear what he thinks about all the crazy stuff we do:)

It is hard for me to think that we are having 2 more babies, I just look at Helena and wonder how am I every going to love these babies as much. I know I will, but she is just my BABY.... and I just feel so blessed to have her! Im excited to continue to watch her grow and flourish into a little girl. I have started to realize that I do not have a baby any more, she is my LITTLE GIRL or as BJ would say she is a MINI LADY FRIEND:)

I promise to be better about updating, I just get busy with Helena, work, sleep, eating, ..... all the stuff , but this is important so I can remember all the amazing things my family and I are doing!

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