Friday, April 3, 2009

Is it really April!!!

So I have not been writing because I have had an eye infection. I have some stuff going on with my corneas, so I have been trying to not be on the computer as much. I have been on drops for almost a week and my eyes are getting better and my vision is no longer blurry! We had Helena's second swim lesson this week and BJ and I both took her. She goes on Fridays at 9:30am which is not the best time, because Helena is usually napping around 10ish, so she is just really tired and cranky at this time. Friday, she was a little bit of both. She was doing great until it was time to practice underwater swimming. The teacher did the first underwater dive and we noticed she goes under the water with her eyes wide open! She then comes up a little angry that she went under! Everyone in class claps for Helena and then she stopped! BJ did the next one, I know he was super nervous but he did a great job, she did not go in has head down as she was suppose to, so she was even more mad when she came up! Helena has the week off from swim lessons this week and I am sure she will be grateful!
  • Helena also started clapping this weekend! It is very cute, she joins in when we clap and she seems to start clapping when we say YEAH!!!!! She also closes her eyes when she claps it is pretty funny!
  • We are also still having tummy time to encourage her to crawl. We know she can get up on all fours because she does it a lot. So for now she just scoots in a circle on her belly! She is also defending her sit and reach championship!
  • Helena is also feeding herself more with her hands and with her spoon. We give her melting puffs on her highchair tray and she gets 1 out of 5 in her mouth and then the rest she gets stuck on her face:) She does really well her spoon, she gets it in her mouth and then she picks it out with her fingers and smears it all around! Lots of fun before bath time!!!
  • She is also still talking a lot, between squeals, cooing, and yelling MAMA in lots of different ways. She is also really good at singing to songs! She hmmmmm's along, IT IS ADORABLE! She is also blowing tons of bubbles that is very wet:)
  • Helena is getting really good at taking all of her rings off her ring tower, she is also getting a few back on. The best part is that she has realized she does not need to take them off one by one anymore, she now just turns the tower up side down and watches them fall off! HA HA
  • Helena also did something new today, she was sitting on BJ's lap and I was across the sofa from them, I reaching my arms out and she was trying to stand herself up! She did a few times, she is just so cautious so she would just lift her butt up a little bit!
  • BJ wanted me to add that on the weekends Helena enjoys lounging on him! She does this almost every night and pets his arm hair. She really just loves every minute she can spend with him and I know he loves when she snuggles on him!!
BJ and Helena were playing guitar this weekend, she got very excited about this and enjoyed strumming with him! I also brought Helena to lunch with me this weekend with a girlfriend! She did so great! Never fussed, just ate her puffs, sweet potatoes and teething biscuit! She loved talking to everyone around us and just being the center of attention!

Other updates for the Cook's, BJ's business is really booming, they are Fung Shuing the office and getting settled. We are really enjoying that summer has arrived in San Diego, yes we skip spring! It was 79 degrees today:) We are just enjoying every minute with Helena, I just can not believe she is going to be 8 months next weekend!

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