Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Month of May

So this is a little late, but Happy Mother's Day to all of your beautiful mothers out there! I hope you enjoyed your day:) I know I did... I got to spend my first mothers day with my mom:) My mom flew in and we all headed to Palm Springs for the weekend! SO MUCH FUN! Lots of swimming and relaxing, good food and Margaritas!
I feel like so much has been going on let me see if I can blog it all....
Miss Helena James is just getting so big, she is now 9 months. She has her 4 teeth and 2 more coming. She is getting more beautiful red hair, it is the most amazing shade of copper you have ever seen.
* Helena is still saying, Mama, Dada, Ya Ya, MMMMMMMMM, and Yea!
* She is walking along all the furniture and pulling herself up with a little help
* Today she actually got up on all fours and flew herself forward in to the carpet! SHE GOT PISSED:( Ok is was a little funny....
*She is wanting to do everything by herself.... she is 9.75 months going on 3!!!
* She is now loving swimming lessons and really learning... when we count 123 she jumps off the edge to us. She also is very close to swimming underwater by herself instead of us diving her!
*Helena is also finally getting better about sleeping ( knock on wood) She is almost sleeping thru the night... she sleeps from 7:30ish to between 2:30am and 4:00am!!! She eats and goes back to sleep until 645ish.... now if we could get her to sleep until 10am:) Just Kidding
* Helena is an amazing dancer and singer, she hears music and starts to raise her hands, like she is raising the roof. She also yells out AHHHHHH AHHHH OOOOOOO in harmony to must tunes, it use to be when we sang to her, now it is also in the car.... it is so cute I just smile while I am driving, I have a personal concert everyday!

I am sure most of you that read this have had kids, so you will understand what I am talking about. This last month has been the most trying month with Helena, she spends so much of the day frustrated between trying to move and communicate what she would like. It is a test of patience and it has shown me that I actually have some! I have been trying to sign with her, say all the words that she may want or need and also pointing at things.... she is just so stubborn she looks at me like I am CRAZY.... and then gets bright red, tenses up, and arches her back in ANGER! ( I know some of you are saying pay back is a B&^%$ .... I know I was not that bad of a kid) HA HA.... I just hope that soon enough everything will come together for her and we can talk, walk, and laugh!
We brought Helena to her first kids movie UP.... needless to say we did not make it thru the end. She was so restless and babbled the whole time so we needed to leave so close to the end. She has been to 3 mommy matinees and done well, but now that she can move, I do not think movies are in our cards.
More fun and exciting things the little girls I nannied were in town so we got to spend the day with them. It was so much fun. They are now 7 and almost 11.... they are such great girls and are turning out into beautiful young ladies!
I am sure there is so much more..... BIG news.... our nephew was born on Friday May 29th, 2009 Evan Patrick McGann. We are very excited for the McGann clan and can not to get out there in 6 weeks! We have a busy summer ahead of us.... between, birthdays, vacation, moving, and my RKC course. By September we will be ready for another vacation, but instead we will be planning BJ's 30th birthday bash! Well I hope every ones May was great! I will do better this next month with blogging. When I do not do it every week, I know I am missing out on things....oh something funny.... BJ dressed Helena the other day and this is what he came up with.... its a new style and I think it is pretty cute!!!

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