Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patricks Day!

I hope everyone is doing well. Things in the Cook house are very well, BJ is currently finishing our tax preparation so we can bring them into our accountant! YEA for our first big deduction... HELENA:) HA HA Lets see what else has been happening... oh that is right Helena is saying M words.... she is mimicking MILK and Meow. She is also a pro at MOM and MOMMA! It is the best thing ever when she says it, I think I might blush a little:) We got a little off with the time change, tonight is the first night Helena went down with out a fight, man she is really stubborn. She is doing really well on her naps, she goes down 2 times a day by herself and with in 10 minutes she is sound a sleep. As for sleeping through the night I have completly given up, we get up between 2-4 times a night, really just depends on the night. Getting up 2 times is a BREEZE.... I have really gotten use to this and it is pretty consistent. We will see if getting her to bed early tonight helps, lets hope so.
So we having been having a lot of tummy time to encourage crawling, she is getting better, however would be just as happy sitting in the same position with all of her toys. So she has a crawl ball that she has been very interested in and that makes her scoot in a circle, its a start right:) We also took Helena to the beach on Sunday and she experienced the sand for the first time, BJ was playing Vball so I do not have a pic, she loved it!!!! Did not cring or anything, I did not let her get her hands on it, I was not ready for a mouth full of sand yet. I have a summer full of sand ahead so I was saving myself.
Helena and I spent the day with my friend Maria and Tristan we played at the park and had lunch. It is always nice having playdates, she sleeps so much better after playing with kids. I LIKE IT:) We also found out today that we maybe moving. We found a place that we really love, so we are waiting to hear if they accept us and then we will need to help find some for our current spot. Our manager is also helping us which is sooooo nice! So keep your fingers crossed, we are ready for a more modern place and a washer and dryer in our unit!!! This is Helena wearing her GREEN, showing her Irish side:)

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