Thursday, March 5, 2009

29 weeks and TALKING!!!!

So last night Helena said MOM MOM!!! We were shopping at Trader Joes and I was doing my own thing when BJ meet me in the check out line and he was in shock. She was staring at him saying MOM, MOM. Then he found me and she said it again! We thought maybe it was a fluc, however all night it was mmmmmm MOM! And today, she was looking up at me from her stroller saying MOM! It really does melt your heart. She is good with the MMMMMMM sounds. She is also signing MILK, and get very excited when we sign that and then she signs with us! We are working on all done now. She also always puts her hands up when she wants up! TOOOO CUTE!
Some other things she is doing, she is eating teething biscuits, she is really good at drinking out of her sippy cup! She loves riding in the shopping carts, she feels like such a big girl. We have a cart cover so that keeps her pretty entertained! She is also loving tummy time, she is not crawling, we practice the motions with her and get her up on her hands and knees. She does move herself in a circle then she gets pretty upset! She loves to stand next to things, tonight she was standing by the ottoman and Jones, ( SHE LOVES JONES) she laughs and gets so excited when he comes around!
Helena also has a new friend, my friend Sarah the owner of my gym have worked out a babysitting schedule for each other, so Emma and Helena are together Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:30am to 10am. They are soooo cute! Emma is quite the mover and shaker so maybe she will motivate Miss Helena to get going. At Kettle Bells the other day, Helena did get to go in an AWESOME jumper! She did not really jumped but spin in circles and smiled up a storm! I am now going to work out from 8:30 to 9:15 and then take the girl for a walk by the bay! It is lots of fun to see them interact! Helena is also really enjoying her stroller now and just loves being outside on walks or at the park going down the slide and swinging. It is really hard to believe she is going to be 7 months next week!

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