Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy 6 Months Helena James!

HAPPY Half Birthday Helena James.... We love you very much and love watching you grow and change each and everyday! You are the apple of our eyes! We hope you have a great day! Here are some things Helena is excelling at....

* Helena is a pro at rolling over... she is rolling over on both sides we are still working on going from her tummy to back.

* She has been sitting up for about a month she is just getting stronger by touching her toes and then sitting back up!

* She is also getting stronger and trying to pull herself up from laying down, she is very close!
* Helena took her first shower! SHE LOVED IT! ( Of course it was after another major BLOW OUT!!! I swear we are the only family who has one of these EVERYDAY!)

* She loves her balls... her " Move and Crawl Ball" and her Purple ball! She just has so much fun with rolling them and trying to get them!

* She is really loving bath time, splashing herself and us... she also dunked her face in the water when Grammies was here.... thank goodness it was Grammies and not us WE WOULD HAVE FREAKED!

*She is attempting to feed herself.... eating is a very messy event.

* Helena loves to touch our face however it usually hurts so we always say gentle and now she seems to understand.

* She is in love with the cats... she gets to "Gently" pet Jones, however Vegas is grumpy so she stares at him and laughs:)

* Helena is giggling... what is crazy is that she does it only if you feed into her. It is never just because something is funny! I wish she would laugh all the time... it is just so cute!

* She is also very good at responding to "up" she puts her arms up to be held or picked up.

* She also is very good with her name... however she does have selective hearing like her father:) Sometimes you will be talking to her and saying her name and she IGNORES you... it is very funny.

She really does do something new and exciting everyday! I have little notes all around so I do not forget to write about it! We had a great half birthday day!

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