So my mom was pointing out to me that I have been a very very bad blogger for these babies.... Harper and Gunner, mommy is sorry, but with work and your sister, moving and over all just being plain tired I have not been as up to snuff for you 2! But I would like to THANK YOU for being such good babies and over all giving me a GREAT pregnancy! Dr O'Hara's says if you were not breech and he did not have to take you via c-section you 2 would probably stay put until your due date! I do not know HOW I would be able to do that... Your Grammies Clark has been here for a week and I have been taking it pretty easy.... I am extremely swollen, gaining 10-20lbs of water weight a day, my belly is 48inches around. I am sleeping for 2 hours at a time and I waddle EVERYWHERE!!! I feel so blessed that I have not had to go on bed rest and I was able to work until my 36th week. All and All and AWESOME job babies.... I hope when I meet you on TUESDAY that you are perfect visions of health just like your sister was!!! PS I am very curious to know what you guys look like.... We have been able to see Gunners profile a few times, however Harper is always facing my back. My dr explained this week she is just trying to be polite to her brother since he has his BALLS in her face!!! He is already trying to show his true colors:)
So we have made it to 38 weeks, this Tuesday November 9th. This is the day our babies will be born, we are scheduled for a c-section at noon! This has been my most trying week of pregnancy for sure, I am swollen, short of breath, and so tired! The Dr thinks they are going to be 6 to 7lbs babies, that is very good sized TWINS:)
The only thing left to do is repack our hospital bag ( I had to throw one together since I thought I was having back labor and ruched to TRIAGE! FALSE ALARM) and finish the bookshelf in the babies room! All and all we are as ready as we are going to be! I have been talking to Helena a lot about the babies and that they are coming, I know that one baby would rock a toddlers world, but Helena will never know the difference, she is getting 2, the best of both worlds a BROTHER & SISTER.
The last couple of weeks have been great, i have been done working and I have been able to get ready for the babies! I also have had lots of time to snuggle and love Helena! I have been taking her to school, reading with her, coloring with her, playing playdoh:) I just love her so much, she is such an amazing little bean:) She is saying so many things and trying to put things together, she still jibber jabbers, but repeats all the things we say to her. My favorite thing she does is, she loves POPSICLES... and when she is eating meals or gets hungry she says "POPSICLE?" We respond, "lets eat dinner or wait until your finished eating." Helena then responds " 2 Popsicles" Totally disregarding anything we just said! TOO FUNNY! She loves playing on the I-pad, BJ has gotten a lot of educational games and she LOVES THEM! It is super cute to watch them play together. She still loves singing and dancing! It is so fun having dance parties every morning:) I love that she LOVES THE BEATLES:) THATS MY GIRL... oh and Kelly Clarkston, thats my fault too!!!
Something that is so crazy is that on November 3rd, I had my last drs appointment and we went to the park after. It ended up being over 100 degrees that day and we busted out the swimming pool! Helena had so much fun.... but who is swimming in NOVEMBER! WE ARE.... it was over 100 degrees for 3 days straight, so hot and does not help a 9 month preggo with her swelling at all.
We are so grateful for every ones kind word and prayers during this pregnancy, we did it, we have made to the end!!! I look forward to sharing our journey as a family of 5!!! BJ will be in charge of pictures, he will be uploading them to facebook and then to flickr a few days after there arrival. I will do my best to update before Thanksgiving! We have so much to be THANKFUL FOR:)