Friday, January 2, 2009

Week 20!

So I hope everyone had a great new year! We were bums and just hang around. Helena has been congested and cutting teeth. If we could only see the tooth that is causing a running nose, rosy cheeks, and a very cranky baby..... We spent the day at the San Diego Zoo! We had such a good time. Helena really loved all the plants and waterfalls, so maybe next time she will actually notice the animals. We are members so we can go whenever we want. So we will be there at least once a week. Tons of hills and good walking for me!
Some new things Helena is doing:
* She is almost sitting up by herself.
* She is super talkative.... not sure what she is speaking... lots of high pitch gargles and coos. SOOO CUTE. BJ and I just loved to talk to her! She is the most talkative in her Jumper, on her changing table half naked! Or when we have her on the floor working on rolling.
* Helena is not that interested in rolling, she loves being on her tummy and doing baby pushups and kicking her feet.
* Helena is starting to understand certain words. If I say give me some kisses, she opens her mouth like she is going to eat you! When we say Big Girl Bites, she knows it is time for cereal or oatmeal. SHE LOVES OATMEAL!
* Helena also knows what the camera is and when it comes out she stops smiling. She is sooooo funny, she could be in a full melt down and if she notices the camera, the melt down and over the posing begins. SO funny that she is so little and already gets it! TOO SMART!

Well I hope everyone enjoys the weekend. We are going to de-Christmas our apartment and get back to normal! And just try to catch up on some sleep. Helena is not adjusting well to her crib. We get up anywhere from 2-5 times a night! Believe me BJ and I have almost called it quits, but we are staying strong.

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