Monday, December 29, 2008

October 5th, 2008

October 5th, 2008
Long Time No Write
So Helena is going to be 8 weeks old tomorrow. We have been so busy with just trying to get a schedule. This is not easy, with breastfeeding I get about 1.5 hours between each meal. So between trying to keep up with the house, baby laundry, and just trying to brush my teeth. There is not much time for me to keep up on this site. So from now on I am going to try my best to write once a week.

Last 8 weeks and counting
So recovering from a c-section was not that bad. By week 2 I was pretty mobile. My dad was here to help out for a week and then my mom followed and stayed for 3 weeks. It was so nice to have her here, she cooked and cleaned and baked.... it was the best 3 weeks ever. BJ and I was so spoiled and we ate like kings. By week 6 I have been walking by the bay every other day and now I being 2 months after I am going to start to really work out. I am going work on my nutrition too. I have to eat enough to lost weight and keep up with making the good ole milk for Miss Helena James.

Just a few...Milestones for Miss Helena James
So our little peanut-butter pirate... is getting so big, we can not wait to see how big she is at her next appointment October 15th. For the first month Helena was battling breast milk jaundice, she had to be poked 3 times and we had to supplement with formula... Helena HATES formula, it makes her puke .... I think she is allergic or she just has a super sensitive stomach like her father. Lets just say we have spent a few nights up with the little peanut not so happy about the formula, and then I cried and thought I was a horrible mom... ( Thanks mom for telling me that I am a good mom and she is just sensitive and still a little one trying to learn the world.) Helena loves playing in her vibrating chair, she love the chick rattle, and stares at the stripe of the kitty. She is so good at tracking objects and she loves to talk to them. In her words... Ah Goo Ah Goo. Every Morning she wakes up around 6am when I am still very much sleeping, we feed and change her diaper and she smiles and smiles and smiles, of course I do not have my camera so.... I do not have a ton of so cute smile pics. She loves when we say "Good Morning Sweet Girl" This was started by her Grammies Clark, she just smiles and kind of does a crazy giggle. It is to cute for words... everyday we are just so amazed at all the new things she does.

Like I said we have had lots of vistor's and we have more to come. We had Grandma and Grandpa Clark. We also had the New Jersey girls here for BJ's birthday, this is Mimi ( BJ's Mom), BJ's Uncle Mike, Auntie Nicki and BIG cousin Taylor. Taylor was so good with Helena all she wanted to do was be with her. They will be great friends and playmates in a year, when Helena can actually do something. We had such a great time for BJ's bday weekend, we went to seaport village, I had wine!! We also went to Seaworld, Helena's favorite part was feeding the Sting-rays. We had such a great weekend, it was nice to get out and enjoy being a family. We are looking forward to having BJ's Dad, my friend Jaime and Helena's Great Grandma Mingo.

Other fun stuff
Some of Helena's other things she loves to do... * Loves being outside, when we walk she either sleeps or is wide awake and she loves to be talked too about all the cool things outside. * She loves Baby Beluga, it is her favorite song and almost every time I sing this she calms down. * She loves laying on her tummy on her boppy. * She loves her daddy... as soon as he enters the room and talks she finds him. * Starting to love her swing. * Loves her purple blankie. * LOVE LOVE LOVES bathtime, she is so good in the water, now if we can just master her getting out. Things Helena does not like... * Getting dressed, she screams like we are beating her * She hates getting gas when she eats, this causes her to scream, rip off my nipple and then we have to convince her to burp so she can feel better. * She also dislikes being in one position for to long... we most always be doing new things. I think she is trying to tell us to get ready... because once she starts moving we will never be still again.

Her First Pet
Ugly Dog
BJ loves Ugly dolls and he found Helena a little on to put on her carseat. She loves to stare at her toys on her car seat so this is a welcome toy in her eyes!!!

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